2 saunders Mar 10, 2021 09:15

It seems, that the problem is caused by the upgrade process from 6.11.5 to 6.11.7
The souce code of the page shows, that there has been some coding towards < feedback> and obviously some bugs have to be fixed. @fplanque commented, that the dev support here in this forum stopped, especially for older versions than 7.2.3. The community support - with exception of @amoun - does not actually exist.
6.11.7 is the last stable version in 6x
To install 7x requirements are needed that are not feasible for everyone. So they are left back with a buggy last version of 6x. This is not really convincing.
So I hope, that there is hope. Hope dies last
The screeshot shows, that there is no drag & drop field in the buggy version. May be that this symptom correlates to workflow, meta comments and the bug of missing sidebar within a single page view for logged in users.
When activating "Threaded Comments" in collection > features > comments in 6.11.7 for all logged in users sidebars in single post view disappears.
So the BUG relates to "Threaded Comments". One step further.
It would be great to get a fix.
See screenshot (legend incl.)