2 fplanque Mar 01, 2021 23:41

We suffered a spam attack like never seen before :/
They re-enabled... for now...
@fplanque there is someone spamming in Downloads (see https://skins.b2evolution.net/bootstrap-forums-skin#c119799) - russian spam. I'd like to mark those spam but there is no option to do it. (only "was this comment helpful?")
It probably may help if you hand some rights for deleting obvious spam to trustworthy users of the forum - so the workload to keep spammers away could be distributed. I could imagine to help here.
Hi @saunders
I've just had a look and tagged each one as 'Not Helpful' which is not the same as tagging it spam.
The other notion of giving users permission to delete spam is more questionable as it could be done in error or even maliciously, no matter how trusted a user is :)
@amoun … may be. But if a community is working at its best there must be trust among its peers - if there is no trust and community members can not participate in sharing responsibility for common forum, this will never become a real place for community engagement.
Stick to a point: Spam post should be removed timely. If the administrators of a forum can not take care of this - for whatever reasons - others should be allowed to care. Otherwise users will unregister or set push messages to zero. :/
I agree but trusting someone to moderate to that degree is difficult, . . . and I have edited my post to downgrade the idea that here could be a malicious bend to giving someone that status. Though like you I would be up to doing it and have no problem with you doing it :)
I removed the comments. Thanks for reporting. I guess I did not see them myself because of the broken email delivery lately.
Unfortunately it seems this skin does not support reporting spam. We will fix that it time permits.
ha, apparently the email provider has blocked the sending account... I submitted a ticket to know why.