Is there anything that can be done to repair this error.
MySQL error!
Table './blogs/evo_hitlog' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed(Errno=144)
Your query: Record the hit
INSERT INTO evo_hitlog ( hit_datetime, hit_uri, hit_disp, hit_ctrl, hit_action, hit_type, hit_referer_type, hit_referer, hit_referer_dom_ID, hit_keyphrase_keyp_ID, hit_keyphrase, hit_serprank, hit_coll_ID, hit_remote_addr, hit_agent_type, hit_agent_ID, hit_response_code, hit_sess_ID )
VALUES ( FROM_UNIXTIME( 1428666628 ), '/htsrv/login.php', NULL, NULL, 'login', 'service', 'self', 'http://kb.mijntps.nl/admin.php', '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'browser', NULL, '303', '965' )
Found it - never mind!