2 mgsolipa Jan 07, 2018 22:07

IGNORE This post and GOTO https://forums.b2evolution.net/url-s-to-comment-can-t-cope-with
Ha! So it does ??
Maybe the old Turing Test plugin made by EdB, all those years ago, is not up to handling this modern version :)
Ok I've removed my block on showing comments so you should be able to see the problem.
I know my pagination is unusual as I show only one comment at a time.
1) Try http://calstock.org.uk/elf.php/2001/01/01/rolls-batteries?disp=single&title=rolls-batteries&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1&redir=no&c_paged=10#comments which has 24 comments
EDITED 1st Dec 2018
1) Deleted above as post has moved
2) See new post on this issue :: https://forums.b2evolution.net/url-s-to-comment-can-t-cope-with
@amoun I'm trying to register at your site in order to take a look to the comments, but the register form keeps showing "wrong answer" all the time. I made sure to write only correct case vowels in the security question, but nothing. Maybe I'm a kind of robot and didn't know :D