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1 Dec 04, 2019 21:20    

How does an admin know when someone proposes a change in the Manual type collection?

I've got a Normal user set up, proposed a change, went back to my admin account open in a different browser and I don't see any messages or other indication for the proposed change.

I've checked b2evo messages and my associated email address and looked around at the back office for that collection, including Contents. I do see the proposed change in the History where I can View, Accept or Reject it but only because I went looking for it.

2 Dec 05, 2019 20:18

Using version 6.11.4 and as @poorboy2 has indicated, I see no push notification,

3 Dec 07, 2019 01:05

See which denotes a file which can be modified to do ~ send notifications with coding skills maybe. I will have a look :)

UPDATE :: Had a look :)

In the file [skins_fallback_v5/_proposechange.disp.php]

insert new line after 129 with
mail("","my blog","proposed change");

and you will get an email


  1. Ensure you copy the file to your skin else any changes you make will be overwritten if you upgrade.
  2. You can substitute the variable or url for the page being changed in the last parameter.

4 Dec 08, 2019 00:43

@amoun wrote earlier:

  1. You can substitute the variable or url for the page being changed in the last parameter.

You can change the last parameter "proposed change"
"proposed change ::  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']
which will then give you a link to the actual post, not the proposed verison. Will think on that :)

OK to view the proposed change append the line above so it reads
"proposed change ::  " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "?revision=p1"

Of course the last option would only give you the first proposed change etc.

5 Dec 08, 2019 01:43


I knew something could be done as the feature is live here, albeit new.

Would be nice if the person proposing the change could make a meta comment or something to explain their reasoning for the change as it might not be obvious to the person reviewing it.

6 Dec 08, 2019 15:15

@poorboy2 wrote earlier:

I knew something could be done as the feature is live here, albeit new.

Would be nice if the person proposing the change could make a meta comment or something to explain their reasoning for the change as it might not be obvious to the person reviewing it

by here, do you mean on this b2evo forum, according to source this uses 6.11.4 so ??? hmmm!

on the second issue there is a compare option when viewing the history

7 Dec 09, 2019 03:08

Of course b2evolution sends notifications when there is a proposed change:

8 Dec 09, 2019 11:32

Thanks for that. A search in docs didn't find 'Proposed Change' and anyway I do have it enabled under Users > Actions > Edit Notifications but I note the wording ~ "someone proposed a change on a post and I have permissions to moderate it." so maybe as in my test I am the admin it didn't notify me on the presumption that I must know about the changes I proposed :)

So do you have the notification enabled and yet didn't get an email under the conditon mentioned above?

9 Dec 09, 2019 17:05

I do have notifications enabled for proposed changes and just now proposed a change via my level 4 account and I did get an email notification this time to my admin email. Did nothing different and don't think I made any settings changes but it works now.

Could have been a glitch on my server in the email system.

10 Dec 09, 2019 21:49

I do have notifications enabled for proposed changes and just now proposed a change via my level 4 account and I did get an email notification this time to my admin email. Did nothing different and don't think I made any settings changes but it works now.

Could have been a glitch on my server in the email system.

@amoun I have seen the compare page. I was thinking it would be nice for the person proposing the change to leave a meta comment explaining their reasoning for the change as it might not be clear to the moderator/admin who accepts/rejects the proposed change.


Additionally, the following knowledge will be necessary to exploit b2evolution to its full power and extent, but is not absolutely necessary to get started:

"exploit b2evolution" made me cringe when I read it because the word exploit is generally a really bad word when it comes to computers, software, scripts etc.

I would propose changing "exploit" to "leverage" and it would be nice to add the above sentence as a meta comment.

I found that meta comments box doesn't show for a user with no back office access, even if the meta comments box is set to show in front office. User has to have at least restricted back-office access. I don't want that so they can just use the regular comments to leave a note for the proposed change. I can just not publish those comments to prevent front end clutter. I was just thinking meta comments would be better suited for it.

I already have it set where all comments go to review status anyway. There's also something in Permissions regarding 'private comments' but I haven't played around with that.

I'm still learning b2evo and picking up where I left off last winter which is when I work on my sites. Hell, I just finalized my decision to use b2efo for a site. It was a tossup between b2evo and dokuwiki but would be difficult to separate individual projects with the wiki. b2evo's Collections is perfect for that, especially since they can be cloned.

11 Dec 09, 2019 22:11

@poorboy2 wrote earlier:

I would propose changing "exploit" to "leverage" and it would be nice to add the above sentence as a meta comment.

So I edited that, but you do have permission to propose changes directly on the manual. So feel free to do that.

Yes meta comments are not as flexible as we'd like them now, but you can use normal comments in the meantime.


When you want to know the difference between emails that b2evolution has sent and emails that you have received, check:

12 Dec 10, 2019 04:38

In Sent Emails, I have 4 sent but only 1 opened. I assume b2evo sends return request as to read(opened) status then? Probably a problem on my end then at any rate.

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