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1 Feb 25, 2020 10:40    


each day I got a notification that 2 comments needed to be moderated. A link is served (that ends with:)
[…] evoadm.php%3Fctrl%3Duser%26user_tab%3Dsubs
The link targets to the general view of the collection but not to comments. Checking: there are no comments waiting for moderation.
So the link does not expire, because it does not work.

What I've tried to fix:

  • I run maintenance and deleted rendered comments cache - this does not stop the daily notice.
  • I checked the paperbasket, found one comment and deleted it (but this comment should not push the notice, because it was moderated yet) - this did not solve the problem
  • I deleted the last two metacomments (although the notification mentioned comments) - this worked (obviously the bug is caused by metacomments, but came up with 6.11.4 or 5, because the metacomments before those two that cause the notice)

Could you please check whether there is a bug in notification link.

Thanks, Will

2 Feb 27, 2020 02:25

I confirm there is a bug hidden somewhere that may coutn comments to moderate and then not show any.

It's on the todo list.

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