I have an issue where extra blank spaces show as  - thus - 2 examples :
1. The beginning of The One-Straw Revolution
2. It's becoming equally clear that the global revolutionary movement in the twenty first century, will be one that traces its origins less to the tradition of Marxism, or even of socialism narrowly defined, but of anarchism.
Everywhere from Eastern Europe to Argentina, from Seattle to Bombay, anarchist ideas and principles are generating new radical dreams and visions.
It occurs randomly and will disappear only to reappear a few hours later and only on the blog page - not the other static pages I have. Site is www.billtoole.net
Very perplexing - any help would be much appreciated :-)
Hello @btoole,
It looks like your site has charset issues, I can see the odd
characters using Mozilla Firefox, it is not in Google Chrome.Please read this manual page: http://b2evolution.net/man/advanced-customization/technical-reference/charset-handling, and then this other: http://b2evolution.net/man/advanced-topics/troubleshooting/illegal-mix-of-collations. There is, in this last page, a script to migrate all your database to UTF-8.
Important: please note that before to manipulate your database, you should make a full backup.