2 fplanque Jan 21, 2020 02:40

short term you can hide "deprecated functions" error messages in .htaccess
O.k. - Thanks.
I thought so already. Tried with PHP 7.2 and the error disappeared.
To get the latest version of b2 running under Apache/PHP7.4.1 -
I changed the get_magic_quotes call to false (it’s my stuff, it’s okay)
I also replaced several $arr{} with $arr[]
Had to change the MySQL server from localhost to, but that may not be necessary
Sorry for not forking, etc
You may like to convert .htaccess commands to Web.config ones for IIS
You can also use an intermediary
It appears that you can replace the inc/_core/_param.funcs.php in the b2evo 6.1.7 with the same filename in b2evo 7,2.3. This error occured when I attempted to update from php 7.2 to the last version of php 7.4.19
This seems to work and I've noticed no errors in doing this. Also, I tried to get be2evo 7.2.3 on php 8.0.6 and produced so many errors that it seem to be prudent to fall back to php 7.4. That experiment is still under construction :-) Thanks for your reply
I'm running 7.2.3 on php 7.1.16 and like you php 8 was a problem but haven't given up ~ I'm just busy :)
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Apparently it is not yet supported :]
we'll fix that.