2 amoun Jan 09, 2018 23:17

I'm completely new to b2evolution. I was impressed by what I saw and know that it is just what I want for my website. A home page, a blog, a picture section, and a forum are what I was after. I confess though that after conquering the hurdle of making it live, the very very basic questions are piling up. The manual is a tiny bit helpful, but mostly didn't answer my questions. I've fiddled with the dashboard some but am afraid to break something. I'm looking at an almost out of the box installation of the latest build and all of the example things in it. I get the impression that the users of this forum will be gentle with my newbie questions. So, my first question to you is since I have so many questions already and more keep popping up, should I use this one thread or a new one for each question?
Thank you,
New thread for each question is the easy option, welcome :)