2 amoun Sep 20, 2018 10:50

Ahh, there - thanks!
I did not do it, for now just stopped when the confirmation message popped up, but it says it cannot be undone. Does that mean that I cannot set it from members-only back to public if I would want to do that at a later time?
I would have thought it could be undone. Maybe @fplanque will add insight
More thoughts on this
a) it's only a settings change in the database so in theory it can be undone
b) As a precaution or alternative a copy of the database would be exported before the change, which can then be imported to undo the change.
I doubt I'm up to testing all this out over the next few days
It means if you want to make every thing public again after that you will need (in @amoun's example) 160 + 59 clicks in the backoffice to make each post and comment public again.
It means if you want to make every thing public again after that you will need (in @amoun's example) 160 + 59 clicks in the backoffice to make each post and comment public again.
Is this an oddity? Surely a query can be sent to the database to set all to private.
Could there be an option to have a list of titles with check boxes and then amend the selection.
It does seem odd that the change cannot be undone simply
Surely a query can be sent to the database to set all to private.
Yes and we do.
It is correct to infer that if a collection becomes private, then ALL posts should become private.
It is NOT correct to infer that if a collection becomes public, then ALL posts should become public. Maybe only SOME of the posts should become public.
Could there be an option to have a list of titles with check boxes and then amend the selection.
Yes there could but we have approx 400 more urgent tasks.
It is correct to infer that if a collection becomes private, then ALL posts should become private.
It is NOT correct to infer that if a collection becomes public, then ALL posts should become public. Maybe only SOME of the posts should become public.
OK maybe a field for original state, or dated state, a bit like item_version, so that all can be reset
Yes there could but we have approx 400 more urgent tasks.
Definitely only ideas for discussion, not a request for features
You can make the whole site public, private or members only :: collections > settings
Otherwise it can be done by user, where there are more options