2 mgsolipa 22 Aug 2015 22:53

I'm not sure as I did so many changes to get to where I am.
The problem was trying to move posts out of a name category into an un-named one as is the default option but once a category has been named in the back office there was no way to un-name it.
I could create a new uncategorised category but then it would have that name, not no name.
However by creating a new blog and moving posts to there and fiddling with type blog from forum to standard I got ridof the category on the front page and in the back office by default, but still have the word uncategorised in the front office. Ideally I don't want a category to be called anything, let alone uncategorised, when I don't want a category just posts.
However I don't care at the moment as that blog has moved on to have categories.
I hope that explains that I haven't exactly solved the problem it's just I have more pressing ones to resolve.
Thank you
@amoun I didn't fully understand the problem (I usually do after trying to reproduce it by myself), but after four updates, is it already solved for you?