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1 Oct 04, 2020 01:27    

I am using/was using version 6.11.4 and downloaded version 7.16.1 according to the system tab in the admin area of the blog. I ran the installer and it claimed to install....but I got a totally black page when going to the main page: Then when trying to access the admin area I got this error in the error_log and browser window:
[code] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function finfo_open() in /home/fantasie/public_html/insights/inc/files/model/_file.funcs.php on line 374[/code]

the log also shows:
[code] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function finfo_file() in /home/fantasie/public_html/insights/inc/files/model/_file.funcs.php on line 375
b2evolution error: The skin [touch] set for blog [FRM Insights] does not exist. It must be properly set in the blog properties or properly overriden in a stub file. in /home/fantasie/public_html/insights/inc/ at line 977 / REQUEST_URI: /insight.php/pd-artist-and-pd-howler / HTTP_REFERER: -[/code]

I then went into the database and removed all files from it, refreshed the page and re-installed the database back up I have on hand prior to the upgrade...Installed the files for the exact same version and hit upgrade and it still gives me the same errors.

Should I just do a clean install of the blog files then just reupload only the actual info from the database for the contents of the blog?

I am so lost.

2 Oct 04, 2020 03:40

It seems your site works now.

The errors where due to using a PHP version that was too old for b2evolution 7. I guess you have changed your host settings to use a more recent PHP.

3 Oct 04, 2020 06:46

That is so weird, I just tried it in Firefox and it still doesn't work but it does show up in Chrome. I'll need to see what version it is showing me. in Chrome and try to clear the memory...right now I can't remember what it is called...too sleepy.

I did not change the php on our server due to the fact that the forums we have do not work properly with a higher php version.

4 Oct 04, 2020 22:20

OK, as I said I could see the silly thing in Chrme but not Firefox sooo, i made a new database and it still gave me an error, totally different then I just removed the cache/log folders -- replaced with the former ones along with replacing the database name in the new config file and yay now it is seen in chrome and Firefox.

Hope the admin/system area behaves. Must quit messing with it today cause it gave me a h eadache...thanks

5 Oct 04, 2020 23:26

OK so I totally forgot to ask...what do I do with this: on main page of blog:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function finfo_open() in /link/insights/inc/files/model/_file.funcs.php on line 374

and when trying to go to admin (back office) login page:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function finfo_open() in /link/insights/inc/files/model/_file.funcs.php on line 374

7 Oct 04, 2020 23:51

ok cause it is gone again...LOL

How do I get my custom theme up to par too?

8 Oct 06, 2020 00:40

Either you have a real issue which makes the error appear everywhere or you have old pages cached in your browser / proxy / firewall.

9 Oct 06, 2020 04:59

Well, it was driving me crazy, a short trip I might add...LOL

I did get hold of Hostdime and copied the conversation and what you were saying it meant. They told me how to activate it myself and voila IT BEHAVES NOW! I am so happy.

Thanks and hope it behaves for now., the system claims it should be 7.1.7 and with the issue, I am scared to try so will gather up the courage and go for it soon.

This thread is resolved.

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