2 bernard_zimmermann May 16, 2013 08:53

My blog is at
I got a telephone call from my hosting provider that my site was possibly under attack and it had high sql usage. So I decided to just in case update my website just to make sure it was not hacked.
So I went from the version about 6 months to a year ago to now. I firstly tried to use the
Dashboard > Tools > Upgrade
This crashed.
So I manually download a copy of b2evolution 4.1.7, and renamed the blog directory. Then put a new one on. I think
I have a main blog and several secondary blogs all feeding into the main blog.
Now the tab setting for each of these secondary blogs are in the current system
None work
I created a new blog ABC1 at
http://www.posbrowser.com.au/b2evolution.new/blogs/index.php/Abc3/ and it works
When I go, I can access any of the blogs say the second one and it works.
Dashboard > Newsagency > Contents
I can edit an old post, If I press preview it displays properly on screen but if I copy the link into a new browser window it does not work. Nor does the Permalink function.
The pictures disappeared but I was able on the old backup to copy the pictures out of the media>blogs and into the new one so now that works.
How do I fix the blogs and their links?
Thanking everyone in advance
I was annoyed that no-one even bothered here to go boo about this.
I think I found the problem in the directory
these files were missing. I replaced them with a copy from backup, and it now works.
The reason it took me so long to figure it out was because of the firefox cache. I put in the files, and it did not work. So I tried something else. It was only after I cleared out the firefox cache that it worked.
I suggest that no-one uses the Tools>check for updates and try to do an update there.