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1 Aug 02, 2010 19:07    

My b2evolution Version: 4.0.0

The development team just don't get it! There is a reason that b2evolution adoption is decreasing instead of growing. Wordpress, which started as a fork of the same application as b2evolution, is growing in leaps and bounds.

I just looked at the new version and it is worst than the 3.3.3. Listen up, when a user, and not some html geek, but the majority of users out there, sit down to write a post, they want to write some text, insert an image, write some text, insert a video, write some more text, maybe insert another image, and then publish their article. This is the way every other bleeding blog application handles it.

The new file manager sucks. The only thing they did was to upgrade TinyMCE. However, TinyMCE does not ship with a file manager (the image thing inserts an image using a URL, not pulling up images from your files). There is no files button at the bottom of the editor, but that stupid attachment thing. USERS WANT TO INSERT IMAGES! However, you can't with this horrible implementation of a file manager. They even strip back out the insert code after you upload an image.

There are a slew of open source blog engines out there now. I have recently tried out about five or six of them. The only thing that b2evolution has going for it is the multiple blogs on one installation. Textpattern claims they are mult blog but they are not really, you have to do some very convoluted things to get a second blog and it is not really mult-blog one-engine. However, with this horrible editor setup, it does not matter if it is mult blog as on can not use it for what it is for, easily writing articles to publish to the internet.

I have been hacking at 3.3.2; broken, but better than hacking 3.3.3. I think I will continue to hack away at it and fork it to a new blog engine. Isn't open source lovely?

I hate to see b2evolution die, as it was the best blog engine on the market at the time I started, before version 2.4.2 even as I upgraded to that version on one of my old blogs. But die it will because no one will use it because of the crappy editor and file handling. Write, insert image, write, insert image; that is how it is done in Wordpress, Concrete5, Blogger, DotClear, textpattern and the slew of other blog engines; but not in b2evo.

2 Aug 03, 2010 11:08


Nobody stops them ;) There is an option to "Insert IMG/Link into post" in file manager, I don't see a problem here. There's a Quick upload plugin too, which makes upload process even easier.

3 Sep 04, 2010 04:40

Wow. That was, well, pretty direct.

sam2kb, yes, there is a button to insert an image/link, but how does one get the image onto the site? You have to understand how to upload a file, know precisely where the file is, then create a link to it. Do you do any sort of direct end-user support work? In my experience, the vast majority of people who blog don't have a clue what any of those steps even mean. That doesn't make them stupid, unintelligent, retarded, or anything except non-technical end users. Systems that survive cater to the needs/requirements of their user base.

My users hate the fact you have to understand how to code HTML in order to get a decent looking post. This is why most of them use LiveWriter. Like Kimberly said, write, put in a picture, a video, some rich text formatting and publish. No tags, no having to understand anything more than they do when they create a Word Doc. Insert the picture and the system uploads it appropriately on the back end and the user never has to know anything about it. If it weren't for LiveWriter, I would have had to abandon b2evo awhile back in order to satisfy the ease of use requirements of my users.

I would hate to see evo develop itself into oblivion by focusing on "look how cool we are" instead of "what can we do for you".

4 Sep 05, 2010 13:43

I have to agree with Kimberly and chashock.

I have used b2evolution since 0.9.x and have liked it very much. I also tried WordPress a couple of times in the beginning but didn't like it.

Now after using the newer versions of WordPress, I have to say that in the sense of user-friendliness and ease of use, it is running circles around b2evolution.

One of the biggest problems also now is that there seems to be absolute zero development of plugins for b2evolution. Does it tell you something that the search page for plugins still mentions the latest version to be 2.x? No 3.x at all and not speaking about the upcoming release.

I would hate to abandon b2evolution but if the development of the software is going to go in this direction, it is harder and harder to justify using it to my users who might have experience with other blogging software which are far more easy to use.

5 Sep 07, 2010 17:32

I've been using b2evolution since 2004. But I agree that it is becoming harder for non technical users to use and frustrating for some of the a bit more tecnical users like me. The handling of images is one example but there are others, like User Permissions from 1-10 which nobody knows how they change from one number to the other (yes there's an explanation in the very outdated manual but read it and you'll agree with me it says nothing). Other problems are the evobar and the menu bar, the clashes between ways of publishing (try posting in WYSIWYG and the code with HTML view, it'll probably give you a problem). Language files are never up to date and while other blog systems' developers and community keep developing plugins and themes, b2evolution seems to have stopped.

But worst of ALL, is that there seems to be an aversion from b2evolution developers to criticism or suggestions. Their silence worries me since I use this platform as a working tool and would hate to migrate to something else.

So, my message to FPLANQUE and the rest of the surviving team of developers is that you should interact more with b2evolution users, listen to us, keep us informed, update plugins, themes, the manual.
Don't act as if our opinion is not important.
If you look around the forum there are many unresolved issues, please take care of them.
Also, I have noticed many of the most prolific collaborators in b2evolution have stopped using this platform and have either started using forks or simply moved to WordPress or Joomla. That is a bad signal.

Be humble, accept that everything is not working the way it should be, interact, communicate, inform, correct... it would be beneficial for everyone.

No offenses meant...

6 Sep 09, 2010 22:26

I don't mind monarchies, but if the King doesn't do it right he will be overthrown, or in this case, subjects will leave his kingdom for another better taken car of, most probably a republic instead of a monarchy.

Now, if the King/Captain is not developing because, hasn't the time or doesn't care, he has to stop asking for donations on the main page. If he and maybe one other person are the only ones taking care of developing and solving issues at the forum, well, the job is not being done, so it is only honest to stop asking for donations or, get more developers and speed up the developing and solving of issues. And listen to users!!!!

FPlanque may say this is OpenSource, it's true, but not all OpenSource software is used by tech-people, as a matter of fact, most users are non-technical and expect a quality and finished work. Free OpenSource that is not up to people's expectations is no better than paid proprietary coded software... So, to say that because this is an OpenSource project there is no accountability its a clear invitation for people to go somewhere else.

b2evolution is not the only OpenSource CMS/Blog/MultiBlog there is. There are many more from where to choose and despite the silliness of some b2evolution fans saying that all other scripts are insecure, there are people taking care of those "insecure" aspects in other projects, while b2evolution's problems/questions/suggestions remain unanswered.

I too would hate to leave b2evolution, but it seems like b2evolution is a ship sailing with no captain, with an uncertain destination that may no please most of the passengers.

Very sad that FPlanque or any other remaining developers are not stepping in this topic to enlighten us with what will be of b2evolution.

7 Sep 11, 2010 20:24

gcasanova wrote:

Very sad that FPlanque or any other remaining developers are not stepping in this topic to enlighten us with what will be of b2evolution.

Well, earlier, fg has declared that he is going to maintain b2 for at least another 2 years if that is enough of reassurance for you.

8 Sep 11, 2010 22:10

tilqicom, if that is the case, then it is time to start looking somewhere else.
I can't offer people a Blog/CMS that will only be developed for two more years...

9 Sep 12, 2010 08:24

tilqicom wrote:

...for at least another 2 years...

not at most, at least 2 years.Which means b2 is not shutting down or anything, at least not in near future, as far as fg tells.

10 Sep 12, 2010 20:13

I`m sorry, I misunderstood.


11 lxsparks Sep 13, 2010 13:45


User Permissions: Just ignore them.completely useless and ineffective.

I have been using User Permissions since I first started using B2 four years ago and find it very useful and easy to use :D

I haven't been on the forums for a while - all the installations of B2 I have are working fine and have had no reason to search for solutions or pose pleas for help. It is very sad to see what's become of the vibrant and helpful community and the general popularity of this very useful software. *Fingers crossed* that the pleas of the above will be be taken on board and the end Users will be once again be listened to! Maybe the ship isn't sinking - just lost in fog for awhile...

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