2 mgsolipa Oct 13, 2014 07:30

Well I cannot repeat the procedure a second time ,,, as there comes the message with button line 99....
but yes updates are from 5.0.5 to newest in autoupdate, but they failed before - when it was 5.0.6 and 5.0.9 as well
I will try to find one of my b2evos that is not "auto-update broken" and set degug on before documenting the failure if that helps???
Hi @ingeniero,
It's important to know which errors are you receiving in order to get some hints trying to help you. I tested auto-upgrade using 5.0.5 sites installed on the same database, but it was just flawless in all the cases. Of course, I started from fresh installed sites and it was expected not having any kind of problems.
Due to the auto-upgrade is still a experimental feature, have you considered manually upgrade the conflictive sites?
I will make a new try and document it,
maybe this helps meanwhile:
System status
b2evolution version
5.0.5-stable released on 02/08/13
b2evolution version 5.1.2-stable-2014-09-10 is now available. For best security, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to the latest version. Download here.
Media directory
OK - /[...]/blogs/media/
Install folder
Internal b2evo charset
Blog count
Cache directory
OK - /[...]/blogs/cache/
Cache folder size
209 MB
General caching
Blog's cache setting
7 enabled /7 blogs
Server time
15/10/14 - 11:44:15 am
GMT / UTC time
15/10/14 - 09:44:15 am
b2evolution time
15/10/14 - 11:44:15 am
MySQL version
MySQL UTF-8 support
PHP running as USER:
www-data (uid 33)
PHP running as GROUP:
www-data (gid 33)
PHP version
PHP register_globals
PHP allow_url_include
When enabled, this feature is known to facilitate hacking exploits in any PHP application.
b2evolution includes additional measures in order not to be affected by this. However, for maximum security, we still recommend disabling this PHP feature.
If possible, change this setting to allow_url_include = Off in your php.ini or ask your hosting provider about it.
PHP Magic Quotes
On (magic_quotes_gpc)
PHP is adding extra quotes to all inputs. This leads to unnecessary extra processing.
If possible, change this setting to magic_quotes_gpc = Off in your php.ini or ask your hosting provider about it.
PHP upload_max_filesize
PHP post_max_size
post_max_size should be larger than upload_max_filesize
PHP memory_limit
PHP max_execution_time
30 seconds
PHP forced max_execution_time
600 seconds
PHP mbstring extension
PHP XML extension
PHP IMAP extension
PHP opcode cache
Using an opcode cache allows all your PHP scripts to run faster by caching a "compiled" (opcode) version of the scripts instead of recompiling everything at every page load. Several opcode caches are available. We recommend APC.
GD Library (image handling)
GD Library version
bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
GD JPG Support
GD PNG Support
GD GIF Support
GD FreeType Support
Info pages
Default page:
Powered by b2evolution
b2evolution 5.0.5-stable – GPL License – ©2001-2002 by Michel V &
Backing up «[..]/blogs/blog5.php» ...
Backing up «[..]/blogs/media/» ...
Backing up «[..]/blogs/sample.htaccess» ...
Creating database backup...
Dumping tables to «[..]/blogs/_backup/2014-10-25-12-12-56/db.sql»...
Backing up table «evo_antispam» ...
Backing up table «evo_basedomains» ...
Backing up table «evo_bloggroups» ...
Backing up table «evo_blogs» ...
Backing up table «evo_blogusers» ...
Backing up table «evo_categories» ...
Backing up table «evo_coll_settings» ...
Backing up table «evo_comments» ...
Backing up table «evo_country» ...
Backing up table «evo_cron__log» ...
Backing up table «evo_cron__task» ...
Backing up table «evo_currency» ...
Backing up table «evo_files» ...
Backing up table «evo_filetypes» ...
Backing up table «evo_global__cache» ...
Backing up table «evo_groups» ...
Backing up table «evo_groups__groupsettings» ...
Backing up table «evo_hitlog» ...
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 6 bytes) in [..]/blogs/inc/_core/model/db/_db.class.php on line 1095
After that I increased the memora allowance to 512 MB same result and even with 999MB I get this Error, the database backup works fine because «evo_hitlog» ...
is not backed up!
I found out that this upgrade problem come together wit a Global hits - Summary problem, seems the database is too big in the table
«evo_hitlog» .. how can I clear that ?
evo_hitlog has 501,044 records and 85.7 MiB
after truncating the huge evo_hitlog it works ok (statistics lost)
got the b2evo on steiner-chiropractic running after truncating the hitlog table
now on interneteuro a different update problem sit seems :
evo_users__usersettings» ...
Backing up table «evo_widget» ...
Backup complete. Directory: «[..]/blogs/_backup/2014-10-25-23-43-25/»
Copying new folders and files...
Copying «[..]/blogs/conf»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/cron»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/htsrv»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/xmlsrv»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/skins»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/install»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/plugins»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/skins_adm»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/locales»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/rsc»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/inc»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/skins_site»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/skins_email»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/cache»...
Copying «[..]/blogs/media»...
Aktualisiere Daten in vorhandener b2evolution-Datenbank...
Loading module: _core/model/__core.install.php
Loading module: collections/model/_collections.install.php
Loading module: files/model/_files.install.php
Loading module: sessions/model/_sessions.install.php
Loading module: messaging/model/_messaging.install.php
Loading module: maintenance/model/_maintenance.install.php
Überprüfe DB-Schema-Version... 10200 : OK.
Upgrading user fields...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function evo_flush() in [..]/blogs/install/_functions_install.php on line 230
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_comments_awaiting_moderation_number() (previously declared in [..]/blogs/inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php:4076) in [..]/blogs/inc/dashboard/model/_dashboard.funcs.php on line 228
but running a second time install it fixed ths database version and runs ok too
Hi @ingeniero,
You finished your posts with these sentences:
after truncating the huge evo_hitlog it works ok (statistics lost)
but running a second time install it fixed ths database version and runs ok too
I'm sorry, I got lost. Does it mean that your sites are finally updated?
The evo_hitlog problems due to a big size are "normal", actually we recommend to trim that table out frequently.
I got them all working now after a long night with many beers waiting for the 150kBit/s uploads !
For people in underdeveloped regions like Spain it would be helpfull if autoupdate works!
Also I woul like to know how much memory B2Evo needs in wghat conditions and if
B2Evo could release non necesary file properties (Chown) to the ftp user.
Also I woul like to know how much memory B2Evo needs in wghat conditions and if
B2Evo could release non necesary file properties (Chown) to the ftp user.
The memory limit depend under what conditions your site is working. The more concurrent visitors your site has, the more memory your site will need. Also, image manipulation tasks ( resizing, rotating, etc. ) have a high rate of memory consumption. The general recomendation is to use 128M, but as I said, it will depend on your site's conditions.
Regarding the files, this should not be a problem in well configured hosts. More information can be found here: http://b2evolution.net/man/directory-and-file-permissions
Hi @ingeniero,
Do you get any other error message in the upgrade view where that notice is displayed? Could you send us a screenshot?
Please, also specify the current version of the site and the new version that you're targeting with the upgrade (5.1.2?).