2 zebulon Jun 16, 2015 16:37

This works fine on my side.
Can you press key F12, paste something into the editor (reproduce the error) and take a screenshot ? It may be useful to find what's wrong.
In one site I have this problem, in another not.
The error from chrome when I use 'Teaserbreak'
Uncaught TypeError: f.dom.processHTML is not a function(anonymous function) @ VM144:1n.create.execCommand @ VM144:1(anonymous function) @ VM144:1n.create.execCommand @ VM144:1i.onclick @ VM144:1(anonymous function) @ VM144:1g @ VM144:1
In the editor the is just the text 'mce_marker' instead of the red dotted line with the Teaserbreak text.
I don't get an error, but my teaserbreak stopped working on my pinned post when I upgraded. It still works on my regular posts.
Have the problem only on my own webserver. No problem with firefox but Chrome doesn't work. A site on a webhost does just work fine for both brouwsers
@zebulon I'm not able to reproduce the error you described. Can you please test disabling the tinymce's safari plugin?
Just go to plugins/tinymce_plugin/_tinymce.plugin.php (line ~741) and replace this:
$tmce_plugins_array = array( 'more', 'pagebreak', 'searchreplace', 'inlinepopups', 'table', 'media', 'visualchars', 'nonbreaking', 'safari', 'fullscreen' );
with this:
$tmce_plugins_array = array( 'more', 'pagebreak', 'searchreplace', 'inlinepopups', 'table', 'media', 'visualchars', 'nonbreaking', 'fullscreen' );
Thank you for your advice.
I did the replacement as you have adviced and it is working now.
Strange that it only happens on my own webserver and not on a hosted site.
Kind regards
Probleem seems to be in Chrome webbrouwser only
Tested with IE and Firefox and there are no issues with them.
Chrome version that does not work is Versie 43.0.2357.124 m