2 mgsolipa May 18, 2015 08:41
Hi @mgsolipa,
I has upgrading 5.2.2 > 6.0.0 (ok) after 6.0.0 > 6.1.2 (ok) and when 6.1.2 > 6.4.2 the problem occurred!
No, the table in which I am trying to import is not empty. The db.zip was create in backup 6.0.0 > 6.1.2!
My site is, at moment, avaliable again :-)
@mgsolipa wrote earlier:
@oigreslima from what version was you upgrading in the first place? Also, your site is not available at this moment, so I can't see your screenshot.
Is the table in which you're trying to import that sql empty?
@oigreslima you cannot restore an old backup. The table structure has changed.
You need to do this:
1) Restore your previous DB completely (all tables)
2) Go to that table and change the names that are duplicates. You probably have 2 fields called "Facebook" or any other name. All names must be unique.
3) re-run the upgrade process and it will work.
Hi @fplanque
First all, thanks for your reply and your nice software!
I fix my shit :-) I follow a remix your direction!
1) I install (in another directory) an new b2evolution 6.4.2. (with another DB).
2) I compare the table evo_users__fielddefs in two DB (new install create demo users , demo post, blogs, etc)
3) I add table/field in my DB as was in DB form new install
After I edited my profile in my blog! Because links are mix (bio with flickr, etc..)
Now all is ok.
There is any warning when I add an another link, but work :-) I hope that in stable version (after upgrade) all will worf fine!
@fplanque wrote earlier:
@oigreslima you cannot restore an old backup. The table structure has changed.
You need to do this:
1) Restore your previous DB completely (all tables)
2) Go to that table and change the names that are duplicates. You probably have 2 fields called "Facebook" or any other name. All names must be unique.
3) re-run the upgrade process and it will work.
Ok, good you could fix it.
In the next release, the upgrader will no longer fail in case of duplicates.
Thank you for reporting.
Hi, now for the first time in twelve years I am in trouble during a standard upgrade (not the automatic one). I also got this duplicate error, and the upgrader got stuck, and I don't know what to do:
MySQL error!
Duplicate entry 'german' for key 'cat_urlname'(Errno=1062)
Your query:
ALTER TABLE evo_categories
MODIFY cat_urlname varchar(255) COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL
I am upgrading from 5.0.6 to 6.8.8.
I hope somebody can help. Thanks!
I was able to fix it by changing the variables via phpmyadmin
@oigreslima from what version was you upgrading in the first place? Also, your site is not available at this moment, so I can't see your screenshot.
Is the table in which you're trying to import that sql empty?