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1 Aug 28, 2020 17:10    


I got a backup problem. To backup the files etc. obviously lasts too long and therefore the DB each times has gone away when the program comes to backup the db.(Error 2006)

But I hesitate to address this to the hosters, because of an error message in the errorlog of the server:

[Fri Aug 28 16:57:26.792432 2020] [:error] [pid 1197808:tid 139708508141312] [client] SQL ERROR: MySQL server has gone away(Errno=2006), QUERY: "SHOW TABLES", BACKTRACE: Backtrace: DB->print_error( "", "", "" ) File: /home/.sites/…/blogs/inc/_core/model/db/_db.class.php on line 998 DB->query( "SHOW TABLES", "" ) File: /home/.sites/…/blogs/inc/_core/model/db/_db.class.php on line 1177 DB->get_col( "SHOW TABLES" ) File: /home/.sites/…/blogs/inc/maintenance/model/_backup.class.php on line 478 Backup->backup_database( "/home/.sites/…/blogs/_backup/2020-08-28-16-55-33/" ) File: /home/.sites/…/blogs/inc/maintenance/model/_backup.class.php on line 300 Backup->start_backup( ) File: /home/.sites/…/blogs/inc/maintenance/backup.ctrl.php on line 157 require( "/home/.sites/…/blogs/inc/maintenance/backup.ctrl.php" ) File: /home/.sites/…/blogs/evoadm.php on line 224 Ignored last: 1, URL: https://www.…/blogs/evoadm.php, referer: https://www.…/blogs/evoadm.php?ctrl=backup
[Fri Aug 28 16:57:26.792679 2020] [:error] [pid 1197808:tid 139708508141312] [client] b2evolution error: MySQL error! / MySQL server has gone away(Errno=2006) / Your query: SHOW TABLES in /home/.sites/…/blogs/inc/_core/model/db/_db.class.php at line 783 / REQUEST_URI:  /blogs/evoadm.php / HTTP_REFERER: https://www.…/blogs/evoadm.php?ctrl=backup, referer: https://www.…/blogs/evoadm.php?ctrl=backup. 

Could anyone have a look at it?

Tanks in advance and Regards,

3 Aug 29, 2020 13:11

@amoun Hi my supporter!
Thanks for the link, but I have not chance to alter anything towards MySQL Server. I do not host b2e myself and my hoster does not allow it for security reasons.

Here, there are my values:

4 Aug 29, 2020 13:59

I've got additional information to this error by b2e debug

MySQL error!

MySQL server has gone away(Errno=2006)

Your query: Session::dbsave()

UPDATE evo_sessions SET

        sess_lastseen_ts = FROM_UNIXTIME(1598701892),

        sess_data = 'a:11:{s:25:\"CommentList_filters_coll6\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;a:33:{s:13:\"filter_preset\";N;s:10:\"author_IDs\";N;s:6:\"author\";N;s:13:\"authors_login\";N;s:12:\"author_email\";N;s:10:\"author_url\";N;s:9:\"url_match\";s:1:\"=\";s:16:\"include_emptyurl\";N;s:9:\"author_IP\";N;s:7:\"post_ID\";s:3:\"271\";s:10:\"comment_ID\";N;s:15:\"comment_ID_list\";N;s:13:\"rating_toshow\";N;s:11:\"rating_turn\";s:5:\"above\";s:12:\"rating_limit\";i:1;s:8:\"keywords\";N;s:6:\"phrase\";s:3:\"AND\";s:5:\"exact\";i:0;s:8:\"statuses\";a:5:{i:0;s:9:\"published\";i:1;s:9:\"community\";i:2;s:9:\"protected\";i:3;s:6:\"review\";i:4;s:7:\"private\";}s:15:\"expiry_statuses\";a:1:{i:0;s:6:\"active\";}s:5:\"types\";a:3:{i:0;s:7:\"comment\";i:1;s:8:\"pingback\";i:2;s:10:\"webmention\";}s:7:\"orderby\";s:4:\"date\";s:5:\"order\";s:4:\"DESC\";s:8:\"comments\";i:1000;s:4:\"page\";i:1;s:8:\"featured\";N;s:13:\"timestamp_min\";N;s:13:\"timestamp_max\";N;s:17:\"threaded_comments\";s:1:\"1\";s:9:\"user_perm\";N;s:10:\"ymdhms_min\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"ymdhms_max\";s:0:\"\";s:5:\"limit\";i:1000;}}s:38:\"CommentList_filters_coll6_refresh_time\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;d:1598698800;}s:20:\"crumb_latest_comment\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"RkLYGiaRyOBCzEuoQnBwVVYw3EfjQH6e-1598700296\";}s:20:\"crumb_latest_tinymce\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"zCCpzcmhbudHLdeSHN8D7vD4NEACiRLK-1598700296\";}s:22:\"crumb_latest_loginform\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"dVPwmEHPsXzDa4c0FX2DP9B4hQnYZcm0-1598700338\";}s:22:\"crumb_latest_loginsalt\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"rG8P0R2kEq7oXb5CJrxLJcXdAHUANxMH-1598700338\";}s:54:\"crumb_latest_collections_refresh_contents_last_updated\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"njm0uhijyIa20ZgivZCbALzdPSMlXMmy-1598700344\";}s:23:\"crumb_latest_collection\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"x3Nngfrpuxj3yfAHLM5z8Mm66nMfB4ku-1598701561\";}s:18:\"crumb_latest_tools\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"AgXorG6kDUHy7XoYQ5q36Z2cVM2CaokI-1598701567\";}s:16:\"crumb_latest_tag\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"VZtGnaF60SAmcqOvyfk4RfgRGJ9tFx0M-1598701567\";}s:19:\"crumb_latest_backup\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"UOv5yv5y6zJ35rfds1pPn8ZaRXCnOf21-1598701569\";}}',

        sess_ipaddress = '',

        sess_key = 'k1odstH6EJNfEDI6ilms5OgfQmzHlNbP', sess_user_ID = 3

 WHERE sess_ID = 3342676

5 Aug 29, 2020 21:51

Hi Given the error you have just shown my concern is that as the error is shown at the beginning then the actual query info is not going to happen so it just confirms/repeated that the sql server has closed.

And as your first post stated it happens as you do a backup of the whole site. It may work if the database was backed up first, which could be a b2evo solution.

I've had similar problems just doing auto updates so I always do a manual update.

My query is why do you do the backup this way? I have a copy of the files on my local computer and then just export the remote database to my local computer. I suppose that's the benefit of ftping all the files ~ i already have them ~ unlike if I did an auto upgrade. :)

If you are concerned about having a backup you could just download the files by ftp.

Still I will look into the time-out issue and get back if find anything that may be of interest.


  1. How long is the backup running before you get the error that the database has closed ?
  2. Are you backing up all the media content too :(

6 Aug 29, 2020 22:11

I'm assuming you use the b2evo [Site > System > Settings > Maintenance > Backup] option.

You can backup the files without the database it seems so does that work and then backup again with just the database. I wonder then if you can recall them separately?

And if you don't backup the media files Hmm!

7 Aug 30, 2020 10:30

@amoun It did not work even if I exclude media content. It only works if I exclude application files. That is astonishing, because files are only 36MB and with media content less than 65MB. That should not produce that.
Time_out is set to 300. But db does away long before.

I think that it may be a problem with TSL or date. I asked my hoster, but obviously the techs there are not problem-solving oriented … They told me to use the db backup funktion …

Meanwhile I backup files and db separately via b2e.

8 Aug 30, 2020 11:14

HI. I'm using 7.1.7 and just tried the backup and I have a different problem "Unable to compress the files because there is no 'ZipArchive' extension installed in your PHP!"

Once I've solved that I will try again :)

Edit 1 OK resolved that and all is ok.

Edit 2a

I got a backup problem. To backup the files etc. obviously lasts too long and therefore the DB each times has gone away when the program comes to backup the db.(Error 2006)

Edit 2 However it seemed to backup the database first as the list of tables scrolled through the screen in one second and then it took another 15 seconds.

Edit 3 Are you sure it was in maintenance mode and that there was no other connection that could have interacted with the database?

Will try with 450Mb of media next

Edit 4 Ok it took 36 seconds with 450Mb of media so it doesn't look like a time out.

9 Aug 30, 2020 21:41

Wondering about your database setup

"The mysqli extension supports persistent database connections, which are a special kind of pooled connections. By default, every database connection opened by a script is either explicitly closed by the user during runtime or released automatically at the end of the script. A persistent connection is not. Instead it is put into a pool for later reuse, if a connection to the same server using the same username, password, socket, port and default database is opened. Reuse saves connection overhead.
The above link details more on persistent connections.

can you check your sql connection to see if it has
mysqli.allow_persistent > on
mysqli.max_persistent >unlimited

Here's a screen-shot using the attached file which you could put in the root directory and run., once you've changed the extension from txt to php :) The file [phpinfo.php] is in the [/install] folder usually


10 Aug 30, 2020 23:13

Just checking the backup scripts in
file [/inc/maintenance/model/_backup.class.php]

in version 7.1.7
Line 295 Backup database
Line 319 backup files

in version 6.10.5
Line 277 Backup database
Line 301 backup files

It seems to backup the database first so it's not as you first thought maybe that

. . . the files etc. obviously lasts too long and therefore the DB each times has gone away

12 Oct 16, 2020 13:00

my provider checkt it an found the following logfile error, which points to a problem in b2evolution.

[Mon Oct 12 04:52:42.231866 2020] [:error] [pid 488432:tid 140081985722112] [cli
ent] b2evolution error:[b] Invalid chars in params reply[/b]_ID='
+ comment_ID + '&redir=no for url_add_param() ! in /home/.sites/383/site150/
web/blogs/inc/_core/_url.funcs.php at line 640 / REQUEST_URI:  /blogs/htsrv/anon
_async.php / HTTP_REFERER:
ete-impulse, referer:

Timeout gibt es keines.

Please give me support to fix this.

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