2 fplanque Mar 26, 2019 21:38

@mason >I have a copy of the database from a few days ago, but am not sure why it's currently showing an old version of the database, and whether simply restoring the database will solve anything.
I had a very similar situation when moving hosts php version etc. I checked the database version and the one in the database was not that in the [/conf/_application.php] so I manually edited the database and changed the version number there, which is in the settings tables. Luckily, like yo,u I have a couple of recent copies of the database so I could play around a bit.
Looking at your post. Is it really showing the old database i.e. no recent posts or is it just the database version that is 'old'
I went ahead and rolled everything back to the backup (I did the whole public_html folder and sql file, since I wasn't sure exactly what was changed in the failed update, and figured it couldn't hurt). I thought I might be able to just tweak the upgrade somehow, but decided that might be a bit unpredictable compared to just reverting to the backup (especially after I read somewhere about how damage to databases may not always be immediately noticeable) .
@amoun I didn't dive into the php files to confirm, but it did look like it was a different sql file (maybe a previous backup?) that had become the active one. We're an academic journal now in issue 13.2, and the front page became that for issue 11.2 (from two years ago) using a previous skin and such. Also, I checked and recent post pages from the last two months were not accessible either after the update, when I tried using their direct links. I made a copy of the database from this morning before I rolled everything back that I could perhaps look through to see if there's any clues as to what happened.
Thanks for the support, emotional and otherwise.
So if you have, say, phpMyAdmin what I would do is, yet again export the current though 'old' database, that you know works, drop all tables, check to see they have ALL gone and then import the more recent database.
If the version number is correct then there should be no warning to update.
Before importing you can run the database through a text editor and check for 13075
Here is a list of b2evo version and corresponding database version numbers
6.10.7 :: 13075
6.10.6 :: 13070
6.10.5 :: 13050
6.10.4 :: 12987
6.10.3 :: 12972
6.10.2 :: 12910
6.10.1 :: 12890
Kudos on having backups you could use to roll back ! :)