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1 Oct 18, 2015 16:59    

When a blog post is published with a future-date, for example 12 hours from now, does the post ping 'now' when it's saved, or does it ping '12 hours from now' when it becomes visible?

Also, during a fresh install when you select the option to include sample content, do those sample posts send ping by default? If so, is there a way to include sample content and prevent ping?

2 Oct 19, 2015 23:13

@jibberjab when the post has a future issue date, a scheduled job (Send notifications for «item title» is created.

So, if your cron is properly configured, pings and notifications will be sent after the post is publicly published.

Sample posts creation doesn't trigger any notifications because those contents are direclty injected into the database on the install process.

3 Oct 20, 2015 00:49

I don't see "Send notifications for «item title»" as an available task in the scheduler. Is it automatically generated by the system? In that case does it rely on another task to execute it? My other tasks execute properly so I presume this one will also.

4 Oct 21, 2015 05:16

@jibberjab those new jobs are shceduled when you click on "Publish!" and the issue date of the post is in the future (see the screenshot below).

It will be processed as the rest of your jobs, so if they are working correctly, the new one will also be executed normally.

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