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1 Apr 05, 2018 16:56    

Hello b2e Universe,

I often get feedback from those who try to register - the registration form does not mention the number of required signs and in case required special characters. So some tried over and over, because in the response there is no message, that probably the number of signs is not appropriate and/or special charcters have not been used (if special characters are required or not can be customized in the dashboard).
And what additionally would be great: To get a full validation error message. This means that each validation error message should listen all (not only one or two) errors. Users are nerved to try it several times, because one time the captcha is wrong then the invitation code is wrong and than the password length is to short ... We should not overrate our users cognitive competence but have to consider their impatience and burst of dissatisfaction.

This fig. shows a registration form of b2e demo.

Hope there is a quick solution and fix
Regards, Will

3 Apr 05, 2018 20:19

I agree, the registration validation should be complete on first try. We will fix that.

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