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1 Sep 16, 2014 03:10    

I wonder how to keep my blog offline-like and never show up my b2e blog on the search engines of any kinds ...

Don't post it ... I understand that perfectly clear

but I am not always at home to get on my computer to retrieve what I was looking for but I know how to type the url to get into my blog.

I did searched "disable search engine" and other similiar words of what I am looking for on b2e... zero results

Thanks for your time to answer it.

God Bless.

2 Sep 17, 2014 22:00

make a robots.txt file.

This is not specific to b2evolution. Google for details.

3 Sep 19, 2014 16:16

This must be the correct answer. Thanks.

How do I prevent robots scanning my site?

The quick way to prevent robots visiting your site is put these two lines into the /robots.txt file on your server:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

but this only helps with well-behaved robots.

4 Sep 22, 2014 00:26

the robot.txt will help online if the search engine is well-behaved.

If you don't want that any people can reach your blog without password, you can
- set users and passwords (and groups) in your blog preferences
- you can create a .htaccess file on your server.

In the first, only people with account and password can see posts for this user/group. In the last one, only people with this one password (or user and password) can see the blog.

5 Sep 22, 2014 15:29

Thank you very much.

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