I'm having a very hard time searching various areas around the site. Did a little fact checking and this is what I came up with.
Search box name - page and link
Search by skin name - Skins http://skins.b2evolution.net/
Search by keyword - Plugins http://plugins.b2evolution.net/
Search - Language Packs http://locales.b2evolution.net/
usually end up with some variation of http://locales.b2evolution.net/?s=English&submit=Go&disp=search with locals being either skin or plugins and the search term different.
I can search the docs now. Couldn't before so something is going right there!
Also on the forum:
If you use one or two words okay, but three or more and you get a pretty white page. Totally blank, not like the others.
When you do get results, there's no way to filter them. Actually, it seems like I bring up the same old posts each time I search. LOTS of older posts that really have nothing at all to do with the version I'm on. I would love it if it would bring up newer first. Especially since it brings up pages and pages of items for just one or two words.
I have tried in both Fire Fox and MS Edge (Windows 10) I don't have explorer anymore. Don't even know if they are similar since I usually use fire fox.
Thank you in advance!
Pictures for above... The second one I left big so you can see my search terms.