2 achillis Aug 13, 2013 15:10

usually if one set Default Bog to "No Blog" then the default page is returned (default.php) when requesting a page. Now it returns a 404 error (_404_blog_not_found.main.php), is this supposed to happen?
This is actually kind of a temporary situation, as v 5.1 has "site settings".
The 404 doesn't seem quite right. We'll look into it.
Are you guys planning(, or may consider) to add a maintenance function to v5.1?
Maybe I don't use the [/conf/_maintenance.html to /conf/maintenance.html (complete lock) or /conf/imaintenance.html (gives access to /install) or Lock system:] correctly... ?
it would be nice if one could set a back-office setting such as Lock system which will navigate any visitors at the front end to something such as the default.php but permit admins full access at the back end...
I customized my default.php (previous versions) to show a Maintenance Message with a mailer (notify me when you're back online) and simply set the general setting default blog to no blog... but in 5.0.5 it seems like a mission... what do you think?
ok, so would it make sense to have "amaintenance.html" which blocks access to front end but allows access to admin?
Should it allow access to install too?
Yes that be great! Basically you want normal users and annonomouys users not to be able to access the back office while admin run maintenance. Obviously you don't want anyone to see the normal content while in this mode either!
Hi, sorry for my late response.
I think it should be kept simple.
If the system is "locked" then all users, anonymous and otherwise must NOT have access to the Front Office content, instead if they visit the Front Office, they should be directed to "Maintenance Information Page".
During this "Mode", Only Administrators can access the Back Office, once the Administrator is logged in, if they visit the Front Office, they will see the Normal Content and will NOT be redirected to the maintenance page.
Currently, the maintenance lock only stops users from logging in and gaining access to the back office, but can still use the front office.... ):
Yes, the goal of still showing the front office (but not allowing to modify it) is that google bot will see your site as online instead of thinking you're offline.
Please explain a use case why you want to display an "Under Maintenance" page when it's actually possible to show a working site.
When you don't have a working site to display yet.
When you are doing a fresh install and do not have content ready for display yet.
When you have a domain, but have to finish a custom skin for the site.
Does theses examples make any sense?
Ok, makes sense, but in that case the front office should work when you are logged in and display "Under maintenance" when you're not logged in. Otherwise you can't work on your site/skin... Right?
Found it... Blogs, ALL, Settings.
It is actually quite a mission to get to it!! :O