1 mehrlich Jan 02, 2007 16:57
3 mehrlich Jan 02, 2007 21:09
Wow, THAT is what I call a HIDDEN place!!!
Thank you for the tip.
Concerning to the upgrade, I must confess I am still quite scared. It was really painful to upgrade to 1.8.2 as you can imagine.
After several weeks I am still trying to figure how to put things together as they were.
If I upgrade to 1.8.6 will I lose all my configurations as it happened before? Then I'll have to do it again when upgrading to 1.9.x?
It is hard to keep track of every file you had to edit here and there.
Isn't there a way to make to make this upgrades less painful, by keeping our old configurations?
For starters, if you have no big raison why not, just upgrade to 1.8.6 please.
1.8.2 is not secure anymore.
To allow your users to upload, you need to set things on 3 different places (we now and the next release it will all be better)
I suppose you have not found the 3rd place :
Go to your users-tab and click on the group where your users belong to.
On that page, you can set the filepermissions