2 edb Jan 07, 2007 06:33

No, I checked the upgrade button. Here are some other error messages:
Table 'evo_plugins' already exists(Errno=1050)
Your query:
CREATE TABLE evo_plugins (
plug_ID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
plug_priority INT(11) NOT NULL default 50,
plug_classname VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL default '',
MySQL error!
Can't DROP 'blog_stub'; check that column/key exists(Errno=1091)
Your query:
ALTER TABLE evo_blogs
MODIFY COLUMN blog_ID int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
CHANGE COLUMN blog_stub blog_urlname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'urlname',
ADD COLUMN blog_allowcomments VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default 'post_by_post' AFTER blog_keywords,
ADD COLUMN blog_allowblogcss TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default 1 AFTER blog_allowpingbacks,
ADD COLUMN blog_allowusercss TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default 1 AFTER blog_allowblogcss,
ADD COLUMN blog_stub VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'stub' AFTER blog_staticfilename,
ADD COLUMN blog_commentsexpire INT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER blog_links_blog_ID,
ADD COLUMN blog_media_location ENUM( 'default', 'subdir', 'custom', 'none' ) DEFAULT 'default' NOT NULL AFTER blog_commentsexpire,
ADD COLUMN blog_media_subdir VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER blog_media_location,
ADD COLUMN blog_media_fullpath VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER blog_media_subdir,
ADD COLUMN blog_media_url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL AFTER blog_media_fullpath,
DROP INDEX blog_stub,
ADD UNIQUE blog_urlname ( blog_urlname )
Table 'evo_links' already exists(Errno=1050)
Your query:
CREATE TABLE evo_links (
link_ID int(11) unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
link_datecreated datetime not null,
link_datemodified datetime not null,
link_creator_user_ID int(11) unsigned not null,
link_lastedit_user_ID int(11) unsigned not null,
link_item_ID int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
link_dest_item_ID int(11) unsigned NULL,
link_file_ID int(11) unsigned NULL,
link_ltype_ID int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default 1,
link_external_url VARCHAR(255) NULL,
link_title TEXT NULL,
INDEX link_item_ID( link_item_ID ),
INDEX link_dest_item_ID (link_dest_item_ID),
INDEX link_file_ID (link_file_ID)
And everytime I correct one I get a different one and it gets repeated like :
Table 'evo_plugins' already exists(Errno=1050)
which I've to delete and start again
aw crap i'm pretty well drunk so i can't help, but pm me or something if i forget to get back to you eventually.
do you have a backup of the database from right before you tried to upgrade? i hope so because ... because ... aw crap. what happens is b2evo basically says "I do the whole job of upgrading or I get all messed up and can't ever figure out that part of the job is done". i hope that makes sense. In other words if it gets an error half way through upgrading, the next time you try you'll get an error at the very first bit because it will try to do something that's already been done.
I hope you have a backup. of your database and files. if so please restore them both so your blog works again. i can't think anymore. been up too long and been drinking too much is the thing. if no one else can help before I get back to the computer i'll try to remember to come back to this thread.
Many Thanks EdB, I guess I have to wait till your hangover is over.
It looks like you left the default 'install a new blog' radio button selected instead of checking the button for 'upgrade an existing blog'.