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1 Jan 07, 2007 08:52    

Is it possible to limit the length of the feed supplied for RSS?
The reason is that some of my blogging is short and just about the whole article is syndicated so there is no reason for people to visit my site.

2 Jan 07, 2007 09:26

Aw heck probly everyone will want to visit to leave a comment, but just in case ... crack open conf/_formatting.php and look for

$rss_excerpt_length = 0;

Change the 0 to whatever number of words you think is appropriate.

3 Jan 07, 2007 09:33

EdB wrote:

Aw heck probly everyone will want to visit to leave a comment,



4 Jan 11, 2007 05:42

I'm trying to do the same thing, but when I tried this (changing 0 to 50) I get this error inserted into the start of the text in the RRS2 feed:

Notice: Undefined variable: excerpt in (url...)/inc/MODEL/items/_item.class.php on line 1226

After that, the item is limited to 50 words as required.

I had a look at _item.class.php and I couldn't find the problem (I'm no expert), but changing that variable back to 0 fixes them problem. How do I fix this? I'm running v1.91, and viewing the RRS2 feed in Firefox

6 Apr 25, 2007 07:44

Thanks, that fixed it but it only seems to have worked on the RSS2 feed - even though the notes in the code say

these options are used by rdf.php (1.0), rss.php (0.92), and rss2.php (2.0)

Even then the entire post is still contained in the <![CDATA[ section of the rss2 feed.

Any idea on how to limit the length of the rss, rdf and atom feeds?

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