2 afwas Jan 11, 2007 05:07

Thanks Afwas. I don't get the error any more.
It would be great if you could try the patch at http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=51398#51398 instead (after reverting the one mentioned above).
I think the fix is "more correct" and would like to get some feedback before committing it.
I tried the patch but it gives so many errors. Using "&" solves the problems. The last one I encounter was in:
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/alkha4/public_html/blog/inc/MODEL/generic/_genericcache.class.php on line 67
When I try to access the post statuses.
I replaced:
$obj = new $objtype( $this->dbtablename, $this->dbprefix, $this->dbIDname, $row ); // Copy
With this:
$obj = & new $objtype( $this->dbtablename, $this->dbprefix, $this->dbIDname, $row ); // Copy
And I don't get the error.
Just for the record, kskhater is using PHP 4.4.4 with Zend Optimizer v2.5.10, which may be the cause of the problem (according to the phpinfo file in the install folder!).
I'm closing threads about the same topic. See http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=10133
See http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=10133&highlight=121 for more on this topic.
Find blogs/inc/MODEL/dataobjects/_dataobjectcache.class.php around line 121 where it sais:
an change $obj = new $objtype( $row ); in $obj = & new $objtype( $row );
This should help for the problem on the blog. There are a few simular errors, but they occur only in the backoffice and -to my knowledge- do not affect the functioning. The error occurs *after* it encounters a last topic in a list.
The problem occurs if you are using PHP version 4.4.0 or an early 5 version.