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1 Jan 16, 2007 02:25    

I was in the admin panel in my blog and clicked on the b2 logo in the top left corner of the screen. I was taken to a screen that said I am a known spammer.

I am getting hammered by spam right now. I know I need to upgrade the software, but the last upgrade crashed my blog and killed my db.

any help here?

2 Jan 16, 2007 13:17

Is there any chance you had a just come from doing some antispam work when you clicked the link? If so it's possible a 'bad' word was in the url you came from even though your actual domain is not. In other words can be okay, but can trigger the spam response. I know that's not how the URL for v092 looks, but I trust you get the idea.

Do you get the antispam message if you simply go to your back office and click the logo? I can't see any part of the link you provided that matches a keyword in b2evolution's local antispam table is why I'm asking.

3 Jan 16, 2007 15:52

Ed - that is exactly what I was doing when I clicked the link.

Any thoughts on my other post Remote error: Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server.

I would like to be able to get the current black list.

Thank You

4 Jan 16, 2007 22:27

Did you do the patch required for 092 to get the antispam update? I don't know if not patching it will cause that error, but it's all I can think of. I just got the update without a problem, so central is capable of sending out data.

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