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1 Jan 23, 2007 16:27    

Hi, I wanted to know how registered users can post blogs. I am able to post blogs using admin account but I want registered users to post on there own. I know this is very plain and simple but I checked every settings, can you help me out? Can it be permissions? To summarize my question, how can a registered users post?

2 Jan 23, 2007 16:50

It's a permissions thing, in your blog settings permissions change the user or groups permission to writer or blogger (can't remember what it's called off hand).

You may (not sure) also have to put them into the bloggers or privileged users groups in the users & groups tab in app settings...

PS. No one likes shouting ;)

3 Jan 23, 2007 17:04

hey balupton, im sorry if i was "shouting". I have changed the permissions and have even given a regular user an admin permission, I made him a blogge, editer, nothing worked. Dont get me wrong, hes able to post by login and typing admin.php in the url, this then gives him the following tabs, write, post, categories, blog settings, antispam, files, my profile, tools. my other question is. All i want is for the user to login, go to a categorie, then write a topic just like how we do in this forum.

4 Jan 23, 2007 19:41

Once a user is logged in they should see an "Admin" link in the sidebar of your weblog. By clicking that link they will be brought to the backoffice Write tab where they can write whatever they want. On the Write tab there is also a little box where users can choose what Category (or more than one category) should be assigned to what they wrote.

If you want a different blog for every category you should create some new blogs about whatever you want, and then your users would write posts for that specific blog.

I'm still not clear exactly what you're trying to do.

5 Jan 23, 2007 22:33

Adding a new post is a part of administering your blog. Where else would you put the "write" tab? Users might see all the tabs, but that doesn't mean they can use all those features. Try it with a login that doesn't permission to change settings and you'll see they do not have the "save" button. Also you can set up permissions so that the user can't even see certain details of the setup.

As to having to manually type in "admin.php", what skin are you using in what version of b2evolution? Better still, show a link to your installation so we can poke around a bit and see what we need to see. It is always much easier for us to answer questions when we can see the problem.

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