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1 Jan 25, 2007 22:58    

I remember a post regarding a person receiving 565 when they try to comment, but I can't seem to find it or the attendant solution.

Does anybody remember the post or the solution?

Oh Just upgraded to 1.92 from 1.8*


2 Jan 26, 2007 10:27

Can you expand on that a tad?

I just left a comment on admistrivia with no problems at all (I deleted it, so don't panic if you can't find it ;) )


3 Jan 26, 2007 16:07

Well, as far as I know, just the one guy the one time got that result when he tried to comment. That is all I know about it.

4 Jan 26, 2007 16:26

Ok, the only thing that remotely rings a bell is someone who mentioned that comments kept getting replaced by numbers ( the post ID as it happens)

It was caused by the comment textarea being named "p" or something.

I'm pretty sure blueyed was involve in the solution ( no suprise there then :p ) which might help narrow your search


5 Jan 26, 2007 16:37

That was me! But that didn't have anything to do with a 565, unless in fact that is the post_ID. Recent versions, I think from 1.8.1 don't have that problem, AFAIK

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