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1 Feb 02, 2007 18:50    


I'm trying to add many bloggers to a group blog. With the latest addition the line of bloggers, in the bloglist, has pushed past the specified width and is breaking in half over a second line.


Can anyone help me? I'd like it to wrap so that the short name isn't broken... so that it wraps. Which page do i modify?

Thanks! I'm using the custom script.

2 Feb 02, 2007 21:17

Open skins/custom/custom.css and find something very close to this, then make it be this:

a.BlogButtonCurr {
	font-weight: bold;
	text-decoration: none;
	white-space: nowrap;

3 Feb 02, 2007 21:42

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Now however, the line on the right is cutting into the name. Can you please just help me to fix that?

Thank you so much again.

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