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1 Feb 03, 2007 00:41    


I want to upgrade from 1.8.1RC to 1.8.7, and my understanding is that I should be able to just replace the 1.8.1RC files with the 1.8.7 files.

1). Am I correct in this assumption?
2). If my assumption is correct, which files do I need to keep from my old installation besides "_basic_config.php" (or should I just mirror my changes in the new version of this file?) & skins\custom



2 Feb 03, 2007 03:32

You should probably keep _basic_config.php and _application.php (so the version number is updated). Any other /conf files that you have manually changed should probably be left alone, or carefully upgraded.

I don't know if the custom skin changed between versions, but if you have altered it much then yeah, you should keep yours and find out what could be changed at a later date.

3 Feb 03, 2007 06:31

I always keep my media directory, and then do a fresh install/upgrade and just reconfigure b2evo and reinstall the plugins...

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