2 re4med Feb 03, 2007 03:42

I had a similar issue with comments being out of order and found [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=9407]this thread[/url] very helpful.
I just recently upgraded to v1.9.2 and haven't checked, but WAS using v1.8.2 (which was where I *ahem* - first noticed - the problem).
Check it out and see if it fixes your problem.
Ok that worked BUT -- when I close comments it doesn't close them...it still allows comments to be posted. Hmmmm...
W. Hill
Ok nevermind --- I forgot I installed a plugin that allows me to change the value of closed comments etc...I figured it out. Thanks for the help Scott!
No problem. I'm glad it DID help. :D
Not only are the comments out of order some of them are grouped by user...
Ugh...this is really weird. Any ideas?