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1 Feb 22, 2007 12:33    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I have found out the answer to a question that has bothered my for a while, the problem that the free sitemap generator at could only ever find a few pages of my site, the reason is because it sees my blog as because all intrenal reference omits the "www" and I always quote my site as

Now this is OK with the above site because it is a standalone blog, my problem is that my other blog is a business one and is located on the same domain as my main webshop but with the blog directory, I still wish to use the www as this was originally accepted as the norm for web addresses (although things appear to be changing now).

I know that there is an edit or is it a hack that can be set so all blog internal references are including the www, I have tried to search the forum for this as I have read it here before but I am unable to find it (Dont know what to search for).

I have added this extra information instead of just saying "how can I add www" in case others have had the same problems.

I hope it is not against the rules to add the link for sitemap generator I just find it very usefull.

And EdB thanks for the explanation earlier about the tabs in php and html, didn't thank you again in that post as didn't want too spam.

Thanks in advance


2 Feb 22, 2007 13:06

One of the simplest ways is to crack open conf/_basic.config.php and change $baseurl to have "www" in front of it.

Whilst you're there you might like to check that it doesn't end with 2 * / as your links seem to indicate that it does ;)


You might also like to look at [url=] this post[/url] which is a sitemap generator for b2evo ;)

3 Feb 22, 2007 19:32


Thank you for your help, I now have that sorted.

It has unfortunately brought out a number of other issues that I am trying to resolve.

I am not sure if it is related to my diary in the side bar but the sitemap brings up every single month on the calender starting the year 2000 and going on to 2008 I think as a page.

Most of these entries are empty.

I am trying to work out if I can exclude any set url to eliminate that through the sitemap generator, for example is there a url that is only used by the calender part so I can exclude it and rely on the next page at the bottom of each post to find the listing only once.

I also have "send an email" listed for every page but I can eliminate this through the sitemap generator when it finishes crawling.

I am currently working on this through my business blog, I am trying to get the b2evo one working for my private blog without success so far.

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