2 samredman Feb 26, 2007 04:37

samredman wrote:
Here is a topic thread that discusses how to make your posts appear in chronological order (oldest first):
I saw that before I posted. It is no quite what I want.
See the problem is that I am running a company blog. The entries are being done by several people. The order that they should appear, I need the editor (me) to control.
So say posts are in the current order.
post 1/12/2006
post 1/11/2006
post 1/10/2006
post 1/9/2006
post 1/8/2006
post 1/7/2006
post 1/6/2006
post 1/5/2006
Now for some reason I want to have the order as
post 1/12/2006
post 1/6/2006
post 1/11/2006
post 1/10/2006
post 1/9/2006
post 1/8/2006
post 1/7/2006
post 1/5/2006
Can this be done?
AFAIK the only way to display the posts is chronologically, either ascending or descending. So unless the date is truly critical you can edit your skin to remove mention of date, then edit the date of the post to make them become the order you prefer. ... Actually come to think of it the database stores date created and date modified (though I don't know the names of the fields off-hand), so in theory you could possibly find a way to take advantage of that. Let it order the posts by whichever field it uses, then display the other date IF you want date information displayed in the post.
EdB wrote: ...you can edit your skin to remove mention of date, then edit the date of the post to make them become the order you prefer
Edb, you described an excellent solution to the situation described (requested) by the original thread starter. I had this exact need and what you came up with solved the problem (I just use that little calendar feature to create a new date or time so that the post appears in the sequence I need) . I have one blog where I don't show dates, but I need to insert new postings in between previous entries. It works great.
Plus, even on blogs where you leave the date showing on posts, it allows you to "re-order" a post (actually move it) to appear as though it was posted in the sequence you desire. This is especially useful if you are showing your posts in ascending order (oldest first). If having a phony date is a problem, a brief editor's note could be inserted at the top of the post explaining the reason for moving it (and telling the original date). This has lot of uses. I am surprised that Zimmermann didn't comment after your post, because this gives him exactly what he wanted.
Here is a topic thread that discusses how to make your posts appear in chronological order (oldest first):