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1 Feb 25, 2007 21:44    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I had just set up my b2Evolution system on my site, and was testing the uploading files feature. I noticed that it would only let me set it to allow files less than 2048 bytes (2MB). I would like to be able to upload files up to 10MB in size, but it wouldn't let me set it that high.

I assumed my php settings were low, but it didn't look like they were. Here are my php settings:

If you look near the bottom of the table titled "PHP Core" you'll see my local value for "upload_max_filesize" is 10M. So why can't I set my b2Evolution to allow files higher than 2MB?

2 Feb 25, 2007 22:26

You need to bump $upload_maxmaxkb in /conf/_advanced.php

3 Feb 25, 2007 22:58

Hey thanks. It works now. :D

4 Feb 25, 2007 23:04

Glad it works now :)
btw: the default limit is 2048 kilobytes, not bytes.

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