2 edb Feb 27, 2007 14:59

Your wish is my command :D
You guys kick ass. Thanks, it works perfectly now.
I've noticed that some of my blogs 3 out of 4 don't show up on the recently updated list.
I've changed the names/descriptions a little bit so I'm thinking I might have messed that up.
here is the list...
Title & Description
5 The Blog | TheChristianAlert Blog
6 In The News | TheAlert.org News... (WOrks OK)
7 Bibliography | TheAlert.org: Bibliography
8 Watch List | TheAlert.org: Watch List
I don't know if you remember me, but my blog isn't appearing in the list as well, could changing the title work for me as well?
url: www.yfinder.de
esanchez wrote:
5 The Blog | TheChristianAlert Blog
7 Bibliography | TheAlert.org: Bibliography
8 Watch List | TheAlert.org: Watch List
Done ;)
wayfinder wrote:
I don't know if you remember me, but my blog isn't appearing in the list as well, could changing the title work for me as well?
url: www.yfinder.de
Worth a shot ;)
Well I changed the name and posted an entry (it's now "- Driven -" instead of just "Driven"
I'm not holding my breath but it would be nice if it did work.
unlucky, try changing your blogs description as well.
I've changed the description and made a post.
keeping my fingers crossed!
I have a related question to this topic. I just created my blog 2 weeks ago and I have seen somewhere in b2evolution site that it was taking 3 to 4 weeks before a blog can be approved. So my question is: Is there a way to verify the status of my blog somewhere?
I would like to know if my blog has not been approved yet or if it has a problem similar to the ones described in this thread.
Also, where is the list of the updated blog? I have found
is that it? It only list the last 15 updates. Depending on the community size, an update might not stay there for a long time. Is that correct or there is another place where you can search for recent blog updates?
Thank you very much!
Olivier Langlois
Unfortunately, it may take longer than 2 weeks to get listed. The last 15 updated blogs list changes but it doesn't change too fast. You can see your blog there - if it has been approved.
Since this is all volunteer based, it takes a while to get approved.
I like the idea of having an automated way to see the status of your blog.
wayfinder wrote:
I've changed the description and made a post.
keeping my fingers crossed!
Bad news, it didn't work so I'm still unable to allow your site, sorry.
lano1106 wrote:
I would like to know if my blog has not been approved yet or if it has a problem similar to the ones described in this thread.
Unfortunately my crystal balls in for it's yearly maintenance so I'm unable to pull the name/url of your blog out of the ether ;)
We currently have 12,500+ blogs awaiting approval so it may be a smidge before yours get approved
Hi ¥åßßå,
I did not provide my blog URL because I wanted a general answer but you are more than welcome if you want to take a look in my case specifically.
Thank you,
Olivier Langlois
¥åßßå wrote:
wayfinder wrote:
I've changed the description and made a post.
keeping my fingers crossed!
Bad news, it didn't work so I'm still unable to allow your site, sorry.
I wonder what I did that put me on b2evolution's eternal shitlist of doom
lano1106 wrote:
Hi ¥åßßå,
I did not provide my blog URL because I wanted a general answer but you are more than welcome if you want to take a look in my case specifically.
Thank you,
Olivier Langlois
Lol, I think I preferred it when you called me a bimbo :p
Off the top of my head I can't think of a way that you can tell ( apart from seeing yourself on the list ) if you've been approved/rejected/still waiting without asking someone who has access to look for you.
When I next look at the list ( not likely to be today ) I'll have a look at your blog.
wayfinder wrote:
¥åßßå wrote:
wayfinder wrote:
I've changed the description and made a post.
keeping my fingers crossed!
Bad news, it didn't work so I'm still unable to allow your site, sorry.
I wonder what I did that put me on b2evolution's eternal shitlist of doom
If I remember rightly it was because you didn't have a backlink originally ( part of the TOS for appearing on the list ) and so you were rejected by whoever was going through the list at that time. Unfortunately ( as you already know ) they're the only person ( apart from François ) who can *undo* that action. The rest of us can't even see your entry never mind not being able to approve it .... not exactly helpful, but it's the way it is.
I'll see if I can get it rectified, but absolutely no promises.
alright, thanks.. i appreciate what you're doing, thanks again
My blog at liberal-venezolano.net/blog/ doesn't appear in the "Recently updated blogs" at b2evolution.net when I post new stuff. I have enabled pinging b2evolution.net and have links back to b2evolution.net. Before july 8 2006 I was appearing in the updated blog list, but after that, nothing. I think I made some changes at that time in my skins that deleted the links to b2evolution.net, but since I realized that I fixed it. So, would it be possible to get me back in the list?
Thanks in advance to whoever is in charge of these things.
im moving this thread -- next time use the search form please.
Sorry, I did search, but thought the post belonged to the b2evolution.net thread. Anyway sorry again for the slip.
At least you ended up in the right place huh? ;)
Yer back in the blog list ;)
Wayfinder, sorry I haven't managed to catch François online yet, when I do I'll ask him about your blog ;)
Oh, thanks, that's great. I cannot get rid to the "belong to something" stuff, and one of the feew places I like to belong to is b2evolution. Let's say I've grown as a blogger in step with B2evolution growth. But I disgress. Thanks again.
YAY! I just noticed that my blog now appears in the Recently Updated list on the front page! Thanks to whoever processed it!
Okay this one I can explain, but I don't know the procedures used to 'approve' a blog and therefore will save it for those who handle that bit. Looks like you changed your blog name a wee bit, and as near as I can tell approval is tied to the blog name. Either short or long - not sure exactly - but "The Chum Slick" is approved and "The Chum Slick--A Blog Written by an Actual Shark" has not been.
There are a couple of people who can do admin stuff there, so hopefully they'll take care of you quickly.