2 yabba Mar 02, 2007 09:26

The problem there is that we have no way to filter out the published ones. In other words, we can't see ONLY the drafts. This sounds like a hack waiting to happen. Hot diggity dawg ahm gonna pore me up a strong one and hack me up a wicked-phat "show me the drafts" hack. A skin hack mind you! "...only in the skins shall thee hack else thy hack-genes shall wither and die on the b2evolutionary tree..." was once written on a stoned tablet PC. Or summat :roll:
Wow that was fun! You might have to tweak this to match the details of your blog, but hey that's life. In your skins/yourskin/_main.php find your sidebar and add this bit then see if it actually works.
<?php if( is_logged_in() ) { // only logged in peeps get to see this ?>
<div class="bSideItem">
<h3>Draft Comments</h3>
$CommentList = & new CommentList( $blog, "'comment','trackback','pingback'", array('draft'), '', '', 'DESC', '', 99 );
$CommentList->display_if_empty( '<div class="bComment"><p>'.T_('Hooray! There are no draft comments for this particular blog.').'</p></div>' );
while( $Comment = $CommentList->get_next() ) { // Loop through comments: ?>
<li><?php $Comment->author('','') ?> on <a href="<?php $Comment->permanent_url(); ?>" title="permalink to comment"><?php $Comment->Item->title(); ?></a></li>
} ?>
<?php } ?>
What *should* happen is that a logged-in person will see an extra bit in the sidebar showing comments and trackbacks and pingbacks that are 'drafts'. Assuming you moderate comments that's probably the status you'll find your un-reviewed comments in.
The thing you might have to tweak is where it says "bSideItem" because your skin might call them something else. Aw what the heck: do it as-is and the worst that'll happen is it'll look ugly to you. Given that only logged in persons will see it I guess it's not the worst fate in the world.
Hey if you add some bling to your blog is it called blong?
Would this be a good time to mention that we have a plugin for this? :roll:
Yes! I believe the question has come up a couple of times, so sharing a plugin (that's not bloated with, well, with stuff most plugins ¥åßßå's got anything to do with) would be a smashing idea. Not a smashing pumpkin: a smashing idea.
Hey, the only bloat in my plugins is the stuff between <?php and ?> :|
I think I need to nag Scott to go through all our plugins that are awaiting release and finish off the writeups :P
¥åßßå wrote:
Hey, the only bloat in my plugins is the stuff between <?php and ?> :|
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Storm_Law be a bit patient. Once of us is slightly dronk and the other is on the other side of the Atlantic Oshun. My hack will provide relief, though I can easily imagine a plugin that will do the deed in a much cleaner fashion.
Thanks guys for your hard work! It would be real nice to be able to find unpublished comments without having to search every article!
If you hit Admin > Posts > [blog] > Comments , you should see a list of all your recent comments