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1 Mar 29, 2007 10:19    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Ok clarification ofwhat i am looking for:

A blog based format so users can run their own blog from my blog hosting site(we'll call it for now)

The ability for users to log onto the website and create their own page which is automatically created

Each user can customize their own blog, but i would require they keep adverts up

The ability for blog readers to search all the blogs out their for specific keywords, this would be done from the home page or from the users blog page.

A quality adsense revenue sharing module that tracks each users revenue stream[/li]
the ability to link to RSS feeds

On the home page have a yahoo style directory listing of all the blogs hosted thorugh us.

GNU/GPL is nice but i have some funding behind me so Commercial license is ok.

I feel like with blogging being as big as it is now this technology should exist out ther it is just a matter of finding it. if you have any questions please post them i will be checking back regulary and look forward to ay help you can give

Post edit: incorrectly formatted bbcode removed by whoo, it was screwing up the new post view.

2 Mar 29, 2007 11:53

I guess this would all be possible. Some notes though:

- Each user can customize their own blog, but i would require they keep adverts up
comment: then you'll need to add the ad automatically (through a script that adds the ad only after the page is being generated)

- A quality adsense revenue sharing module that tracks each users revenue stream
comment: like above: there's no functionality in B2e; you should and could add it yourself

- GNU/GPL is nice but i have some funding behind me so Commercial license is ok
comment: feel free to donate as much as you like

My question to you is this: have you reviewed other options and what makes B2e attractive / unattractive to you in comparison with these options?

Good luck

3 Mar 30, 2007 21:47

Afwas wrote:

- GNU/GPL is nice but i have some funding behind me so Commercial license is ok
comment: feel free to donate as much as you like

FNE! (That's Fast Nasal Exhalation, which [url=]some[/url] feel is more accurate than LOL)

dvduh wrote:

Each user can customize their own blog, but i would require they keep adverts up

There is a plugin available (I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but search the forums) that allows you to add areas to a skin that a user can edit, while keeping the rest of the skin off limits. Between that plugin and user stylesheets (can be enabled in the administration area) you should be able to achieve this effect.

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