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1 Apr 12, 2007 23:13    

My b2evolution Version: 1.8.x

Hello guys,

I want upgrade my blog (v. 1.8.1 R.C) to version 1.9.3. What are the steps that I need make? Can I download the v. 1.9.3 and overwrite the files or I need to do other process? Can I have any problem with the database?
The skin I'm using is "TicTac". Could I have any problem with v. 1.9.3. Is this skin compatible?

In other question, I have a problem with the library _archives.plugin.php, because I have changed the value of a parameter (limit=12 to limit=50), and this file is not executed in the web. Where is the problem? In PHP or in database?

Regards, ;)

2 Apr 17, 2007 21:38

Hi. Yeah you can upgrade very easily, as long as you haven't hacked any files outside your skin. Over-writing the existing files is one way of doing it, but you're probably better off deleting all the files from your server EXCEPT stuff in your media folder, then uploading the new version in it's place. That way files that no longer exist in the package won't exist on your server.

Oh and back up all your files first. Just in case! One file that is especially important is your conf/_basic_config.php file because it contains the connection info for your database. You can either edit the new conf/_basic_config.php file before uploading it, or CHMOD it to 666 (I think!) and add in the info during the upgrade process.

You should also back up your database too. Again, just in case!

Anyway once you have the new files on the server you will want to go to and follow the instructions. Basically you'll tell it you are upgrading and it'll take care of business for you. Then you're done.

You will probably need to upgrade your skin because there were some changes in how skins work between your version and the 1.9.* generation. Check the skins site on the "extend" tab above because I think tic_tac exists for 1.9.*.

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