2 john Apr 18, 2007 00:06

Please visit my site: http://constant-tourist.com. You'll see blank spaces to the left and the right of the main body. These are the margins where I would like to place the skyscraper ads.
Well, what you are saying is that you want a three column layout?
One for Ads, one for Main Content and another for the Menu?
If so, check out the CSS and _main.php in these [URL=http://skins.b2evolution.net/index.php?catsel%5B%5D=79&cat=&submit=Get+selection]3 Column Layouts[/URL] and simply convert your current Melbourne Skin to add an additional column.
Especially this one...
The skin already contains three columns. Why do I need to add another?
Sorry, but you have your site has a main content column and a right side Menu column
I may be missing something but thats TWO columns
Given the large number of posts per page, there is a lot of unused space in the sidebar - under the "powered by" and "hosted by" bits, so if that's the space you want to use then put your code in your skins/melbourne/_main.php file after the bit for the "hosted by" link.
If you're talking about the space OUTSIDE the 'main plus sidebar' that'll be entirely different. You will certainly need to turn the skin into a 3-column layout. The overall skin is designed back when 800 pixels was normal, so it actually is designed to be 2 columns that take up 800 pixels centered in the screen.
Which/what /where "margins" ?
Sorry, but does margins relate to the sidebar, the space between posts...
BTW, that skin looks great.