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1 Apr 20, 2007 12:09    

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x

Can someone tell me what this means and what I can do to fix it.

It appears in my hit logs above search b hits

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/runeblog/public_html/inc/MODEL/sessions/_hitlog.funcs.php on line 308

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/runeblog/public_html/inc/MODEL/sessions/_hitlog.funcs.php on line 308

2 Apr 20, 2007 12:15

It "looks" like you have a hit from an empty search query. If you can find the entry you can just delete it.

If not then you'd have to hack the core a tad, inc/model/sessions/_hitlog.funcs, change this section of code to match ( approx lines 296 -> 308 )

			( $param_parts[0] == 'q'
				or $param_parts[0] == 'as_q' 		// Google Advanced Search Query
				or $param_parts[0] == 'query'
				or $param_parts[0] == 'search'
				or $param_parts[0] == 'p'
				or $param_parts[0] == 'kw'
				or $param_parts[0] == 'qs'
				or $param_parts[0] == 'r'
				or $param_parts[0] == 'rdata'				//
				or $param_parts[0] == 'su'				//
			and !empty( $param_parts[1] )
		{ // found "q" query parameter
			$q = urldecode($param_parts[1]);


3 Apr 20, 2007 12:31

If I just ignore it will it go away when it gets pruned

4 Apr 20, 2007 12:51

There's always that option :p


5 Apr 20, 2007 13:02

Thanks for your help, I think i will wait for it to expire.

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