2 samredman Apr 21, 2007 05:42

I thought at first it was the same when I was searching for this problem but I think the stub files used there are in the root. So when he calls the blog files it is going into the subdomains without having to go back to the root if that makes sense.
The stub files I'm using are in /Fraud_Blog/stub.php
So as I would understand I would need to go back one time out of Fraud blog and then go to /conf/ and /inc/
I tried the solution suggested by Yabba and didn't have any luck and I think its related to the location. I feel like if I moved the stubs to the root it wouldn't be a problem but I would like to have them in a subdomain to keep the directory cleaner.
Any thoughts?
I think that here is a topic that is addressing your same subject:
I am looking at it with great interest myself.