My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x
I want to remove the text:
Allowed XHTML tags: <p, ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd, address, blockquote, ins, del, span, bdo, br, em, strong, dfn, code, samp, kdb, var, cite, abbr, acronym, q, sub, sup, tt, i, b, big, small>
-from the feedback form, and I have found the code, but I do not know how to modify it :-(
Any help are appriciated ;-)
This seems to be the code in the _feedback.php file.
// Message field:
$Form->textarea( 'p', $comment_content, 10, T_('Comment text'),
T_('Allowed XHTML tags').': '.htmlspecialchars(str_replace( '><',', ', $comment_allowed_tags)), 40, 'bComment' );
okey just by trying, i made it working ;-)
This is what the code should look like, if the XHTMl comments is not to be shown.