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1 Apr 26, 2007 19:13    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I'm designing a site for a client right now, and I'm trying to decide between Wordpress and b2evolution. I've used both in the past, but I'm not a PHP genius. Coding is always a chore for me -- lots of trial and error.

I want to use blog architecture because it will let me apply template changes easily to every page (dozens) in the site. However, I don't want the site to look like a traditional journal-style blog. That means I'll be dropping the code for date of post, comments, permalinks, archives, rss feeds, etc.

I'm debating between Wordpress and b2evolution because I know WP will let me make permanent pages easily, with easy addresses. For example: and

Is this possible with b2evolution? I haven't run across a permanent page option in the admin area.

2 Apr 26, 2007 22:06

Not a feature of b2evolution, but it can be (has been!) done with a hack.

3 Apr 27, 2007 18:24

Any hacks you can recommend? I'll sift through old threads, but if anyone remembers some specific ones that would work, I'd appreciate it.

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