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1 May 01, 2007 07:19    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hi, can anyone help me with this. I am installing a second b2evo in a different folder because i need a separate BlogAll, and i did exactly the same as the first time, but i get the following error:

Installing b2evolution tables with sample data
Creating default blacklist entries...
An unexpected error has occured!

If this error persits, please report it to the administrator.

Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:

MySQL error!

Duplicate entry 'penis-enlargement' for key 2(Errno=1062)

Your query:

INSERT INTO evo_antispam(aspm_string)
VALUES ('penis-enlargement'), ('online-casino'), ('order-viagra'), ('order-phentermine'), ('order-xenical'), ('order-prophecia'), ('sexy-lingerie'), ('-porn-'), ('-adult-'), ('-tits-'), ('buy-phentermine'), ('order-cheap-pills'), ('buy-xenadrine'), ('xxx'), ('paris-hilton'), ('parishilton'), ('camgirls'), ('adult-models')

b2evolution error:

MySQL error!

Duplicate entry 'penis-enlargement' for key 2(Errno=1062)

Your query:

INSERT INTO evo_antispam(aspm_string)
VALUES ('penis-enlargement'), ('online-casino'), ('order-viagra'), ('order-phentermine'), ('order-xenical'), ('order-prophecia'), ('sexy-lingerie'), ('-porn-'), ('-adult-'), ('-tits-'), ('buy-phentermine'), ('order-cheap-pills'), ('buy-xenadrine'), ('xxx'), ('paris-hilton'), ('parishilton'), ('camgirls'), ('adult-models')

in D:\hosting\\webroot\baird\Blogs\revblogs\inc\_misc\_db.class.php at line 522

Anyone have any idea?

2 May 01, 2007 07:41

If you install the blog (run the install/_install.php file) you get a few questions. One is about the prefix of the database tables. Standard this is evo_, which means all the tables in the database start with evo_. An example is evo_antispam.
If you install a second blog, you want the tables to have another name. This is done by changing the prefix of the second install, e.g. to evo2_. Now all the tables of the second blog have a different name. Now there exists evo_antispam and also evo2_antispam.

You just go ahead, do the install/install.php again and don't forget to change the prefix to evo2_.

Good luck

3 May 02, 2007 10:46

Thanks for that. I should have paid more attention!

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