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1 May 03, 2007 13:56    

My b2evolution Version: 0.9.x

I have two questions... help me please!

1. I'd like to insert a related items script so when users read a post a list of related articles be shown. How can I do this? Is it possible?

2. I don't want my blogs like
I want it like How can I change this?


2 May 03, 2007 23:27

1) Assign posts to appropriate Categories. You can make multiple Categories and even sub categories. In most skins, there appears a link to the current Category, so all posts of the particular topic are shown.

2) This is done by so called stub files. I refer to the [url=]manual[/url]. If you have subsequent questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Good luck

3 May 05, 2007 17:35

I've done, but is a bit hackish.

You can see a example at:

what I have done:
I use innodb tables - what means no fulltext index.
I have a python script that I run after each posting. The script create a temporary table with my posts contents, creates a fulltext index on it and make the search. So, i have a table called items_related that looks like:

|item| item_related|

I insert 5 items relateds to each table.

As I said, is a bit hackish

- Water

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