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1 May 04, 2007 01:46    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I followed the directions in the DOC area ( for moving my b2evolution blog from one server to another.

In following the directions it detected that my configuration file was not set and it asked me for my info for my database, user name, etc...

However 2 issues arose after this step...

1) my password failed to work and I had to go to assign another (via the sent email link), but that led in to problem number 2

2) I could not edit my profile it just went to a blank screen, I could see everything as far as the menus and it even said I was logged in.

I thought that if I could add a new user that would be okay, but no that page went blank too...well rather the menus and the head of the page was there, but where the interface to edit was supposed to be a big white space existed.

I noticed that I had to change the blog settings to my new domain info as it pulled it from the copied over database data, that setting took okay.

As I went through the menus I found more issues...
First the FILES Menu sent me to an "Internal Server Error" page with no useful information.

The "APP Settings" | "Plugins" produced nothing but a full blank page.
The "Posts" button also produced a big blank pages.

The odd thing is all the blog settings options worked fine, but I could only see the categories and not edit them.

Any help at this point would be very much appreciated.

3 May 04, 2007 20:09

Thanks I will have my host up the memory limit on the server as it is currently set to 8m, however there is no setting currently in that _basic_config.php file currently. My assumption is that it will run in what ever is currently available, is this correct?

4 May 05, 2007 10:22

You should just be able to add that line to your current _basic_config.php.


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