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1 May 07, 2007 17:53    

My b2evolution Version: 1.8.x

Hello everybody,

I would like to know if it is possible to prevent user from editing his Name and First Name, but eventually his login and password.

I thought of setting the field Name and First Name as "disabled" in HTML, so user will not be able to change it however there will still be a value in the field so it won't generate an error, but I can't find the file where the form is generated.

Can you help me please ? Otherwise, if anybody has another solution, I would be interested :)


2 May 08, 2007 09:32

The file you're looking for is inc/view/users/_users_form.php


3 May 09, 2007 10:00

Thank you very much for your help B) B)

4 May 09, 2007 11:54

Hi there,

I noticed another problem.

When a registered user wants to post a comment, he/she can edit his/her name from the comment page.

Can you help me to find the file where it is possible to delete in the code the Name and First Name fields so that the user can not change his name and first name from this page ?

Thank you.

5 May 09, 2007 12:00

Actually I found a trick: I commented the if condition where it displays the name of the author in blog/skins/_feedback.php so the link to the user profile's page does not appear anymore.


6 May 09, 2007 14:34

Hi again !

I have a problem with my first question: I can prevent user of editing his name/firstname/nickname, however, if he changes his login or password and then validate, name/firstname/nickname fields are mandatory and the system generates an error.

How can I change the system so that it won't ask me for these fields when I validate ?

7 Feb 13, 2008 01:50

I'm running version 2+ so this probably won't be the same. you have to find profile_update.php or something similar in your version. it has some checks in it like making sure there is an email address, the user id of the person logged in is the user id of the profile being edited etc. if you comment out the check for email, the set new email, and then comment out the section you already commented out in feedback.php you should be good.

8 Feb 13, 2008 01:54

ps in my version the profile_updae page was in htrsv

the other file i edited was the _profile.disp.php in my skins folder. ignore the last few words in my last post. feedback.php does not need to be changed.

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